Problematics and methods

All types of objects of art or cultural heritage can be analyzed,

according to the following main criteria:

Wooden sculpture, ivory
textiles, carpet
bones, teeth
Authenticate the object
Date the
archaeological artifact
Carbon 14
with mass spectrometry
Terracotta, ceramic

from art market
Authenticate the object Thermoluminescence (TL),

In situ X-Ray Imaging /
CT Scan
Hearthstone, terracotta structure, ceramic Date the
archaeological artifact
Thermoluminescence (TL), Gamma spectrometry, ICP-MS
Copper alloy object
(bronze e.g..)
Authenticate the object Lead 210 dating, Microanalysis,
In situ X-Ray Imaging
Gold object Authenticate the object Microanalysis, Analysis of trace-elements (ICP-MS,PIXE), Helium dating
Stone sculpture
(sandstone, limestone, …)
Authenticate the object Microanalysis
Glass or enamel object Authenticate the object Microanalysis, PIXE, …
Plaster sculpture Know the technique of making the object
Diagnose its state
of conservation
In situ X-Ray Imaging
Painting Know the artist technique
Authenticate the work
Diagnose its state
of conservation
In situ scientific Imaging,
Carbon 14 dating, Microanalysis,
Infrared spectrometry, …

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